Meeting Edith was going to be an exciting, overwhelming and especially an otherworldly experience for me.  She is an Austrian born Jew of the same age with my country Romania: 102 years.
June 2, 2020/by Ankado


My Jamaican Grandmother lived with us and took full responsibility for feeding my brothers and I (and half the neighborhood!)
April 13, 2020/by Ankado


The British are blessed with a fine sense of humour and an ability to make fun of ourselves. I most definitely grew up with ‘British Rail‘ jokes of awful toast, tea and pork pies on board, combined with very late trains !
December 18, 2019/by Ankado


My culinary heritage is Greek. My parents were born on a small island in the south east of Greece. They lived during the Italian occupation, in a time when food was very scarce…
December 18, 2019/by Ankado


Grandma Mia has a lot of food stories to tell; she tells them in the kitchen every day by preparing delicious meals for us; she tells them sharing memories and recreating recipes from the past; she tells them by inspiring me every day.
December 18, 2019/by Ankado

The ten commands of good food

There is a whole world of research on taste and the data is absolutely fascinating and revealing regarding our food behaviours. However, for most of us, taste can be quite an abstract sense.
December 18, 2019/by Ankado

Kitchen management in time of crisis

Today many of us are living in big cities and mega metropolis and this man made landscapes have changed the way humans feed themselves. We are busy, we are surrounded by concrete, steel and glass.
December 18, 2019/by Ankado

Cooking through parenthood

Until now, through the end of my thirties, all that I have ever known was career and academics. And a bit of bohemian living, I suppose.  However, starting with 2019 I have a new project and a new challenge: parenthood.
February 16, 2019/by Ankado

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